Module 15 -
When your friend has died
Module 15
Chapter 1: An introduction to grief
Everyone grieves in their own way
The grief expert says
There are some days I wake up and find myself struggling to even believe he died. I pick up the phone to call him and then I remember. When that happens, the sadness starts all over again.
Right after she died, I remember being at a red light and thinking, “How is it that the streetlights are working, and the restaurants are open? Everything just needs to stop for a while.”
What affects your grief
Many factors may impact your grief. Click on the arrows below for some examples.Your relationship with your friend who died
How your friend died
Your values and beliefs
Your supports
How you usually cope with distress, and other losses you’ve experienced
What else is happening in your life, such as a new job; moving; separation or divorce; your physical and mental well-being; or financial struggles