Chapter 4: Remembering and honouring your baby

Ideas for memorializing your baby

I've been there
Kimberley shares the experience of taking photos during her pregnancy with Ethan as part of his legacy. (3:22)Video transcript
Heather speaks about how the family makes it a priority to speak about Kalum. (3:22)Video transcript
Zoe treasures the moments she had with Finn. (3:22)Video transcript
Kimberley talks about planning Ethan's funeral. (3:22)Video transcript

We also have a shelf in the living room with his picture and mementos from his room, along with decorations and ornaments. We also keep the baby blanket with his name on it around.

Even if your loss was some time ago, you may find it helpful to find ways to honour your baby’s memory.

You may have items that you had set aside for your baby, or you may have received “legacy items” from healthcare providers*. Click the arrows to see examples.


*If you do not already have these, you can request some of them from your doctor.


You can also create activities or items especially for your baby.  Click the arrows to see examples.

You can also help to honour your baby by initiating or participating in different activities. Click the arrows to view several examples.

Helpful resources
Even if your loss was some time ago, you may find it helpful to find ways to honour your baby’s memory. Click here for ideas for memorializing your baby.