Chapter 1: Experiencing loss

The first days and weeks

I've been there
Kimberley shares her experience with grief. (3:22)Video transcript
The grief expert says
Carol explains how your baby will always be a part of your life.(3:22)Video transcript

At first, very few people knew what had happened, so there were four gruesome days when everyone was sending us messages saying how excited they were for us. I sent an email to everyone who knew telling them how painful it was to lose our baby. I needed to make them stop messaging us and give us time to heal.

In the first days and weeks, you may have a range of intense feelings and thoughts. In the earliest days or at certain moments, you may feel numb. Your grief is likely to affect you on many levels. Click on the arrows below for examples.

What may help

  • Remind yourself that you have been through a very difficult experience.
  • You will need time to heal physically and to find out how best to care for yourself. Pay attention to your body.
  • Do not hesitate to contact your healthcare provider about milk supply, wound healing, and pelvic health, etc.