Chapter 2: Where do I get help?
Online support: two websites
Canadian Virtual Hospice offers two features that enable users to connect online with health experts and people who have “been there.”
Discussion Forums are open to everyone. They cover a range of palliative care topics, including grief. Professional moderators monitor the forums to ensure a safe environment in which to share, find and offer support. You can view the discussions without becoming a member. To post to Discussion Forums, first become a member by providing an email address, postal code and screen name.
If you have questions or concerns that are not addressed in, Canadians can ask questions confidentially and at no charge to an online team of health experts at Ask A Professional (A small fee is applied to non-Canadian users).
This site requires you to login with an email address and password. This address is used to alert you that your question has been answered. You are guaranteed a response within three business days.
The Canadian Cancer Society provides virtual online communities at and These moderated sites provide a safe place where cancer patients, survivors and caregivers can gather information and share their experiences to help support one another. To join, you must provide a valid email address and password. Participants must be at least 18 years of age to register.