Chapter 1: When do I need help coping?

Grief and depression are not the same thing

Common feelings of grief Signs of depression Feelings that may signal problems
“I'm starting to feel okay sometimes.” “I don't enjoy anything.” “I will never accept that he's gone.”
“It's hard to believe he's gone.” “I want to kill myself.” “I am consumed with regrets.”
 “I'm trying to accept that she's gone.” “I can't focus.”  “I can't go anywhere because everything reminds me of him.”
 “I hate that I can't change the fact that she's gone.” “I can't sit still.”  “Life is not worth living without her. I want to die too.”
 “I have no energy sometimes.” “I can't get out of bed.”  “I can't trust anyone.”
 “I feel so lonely and lost without him.”  “The future is hopeless.”  “I am completely alone; no one will ever understand me.”
 “I miss her so much.”    “I have no interest in anything anymore."

“I’m a failure.”

 “My life is meaningless now.”
 “I can’t stop thinking about her.”  “I hate myself and my life.”  “I can't plan a future without her.”
   “I deserve to be punished.”  “I'm just a burden to others, and they’d be better of without me.”
   “I am worthless.”